Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day week end

This is the fire that Kylie built all on her own with grandpa and Ari watching her while she did it. Then of course there were marshmellows to enjoy and s-mores were also on the menu before heading back home and back to school.

One of the week end projects that was very important was to build Amos and Andy (kittens) a house to live in and be warm this coming winter. So the girls and grandpa took on this project. Do you love their boots?? They get alot of use in Pennsylvania.

This is why the girls had on Terry's old t-shirts, painting!!!

Ari and her painting. She loves yellow and Kylie loves pink, so each painted their sides the color they like best.

Peach cobbler was the cake of choice this year with vanilla ice cream. And 7 candles to blow out.

Then there was the party favors that was good for teasing the puppy with. They were also used by Ari to blow air into her ballon. Great fun!!!!

Kylie and Ari love ballons, so we had a cluster of ballons plus ones to blow up and have fun with.

Kylie turned 7 in July but we always have a Pennsylvania birthday party and they had not been here since the week of July 4th, but we will have a party even if it is late.

What a jam packed week end and we had lots of fun! The four day week end that I had went by like a flash of light.

1 comment:

  1. aww!! I love seeing pictures from the weekend!!! I had such a nice time!! Thanks for posting them!!! love you! xoxo
