Monday, September 14, 2009


Today has been a topsey turvey day. Got up early to get to work because I had this appointed date with the cutest young man at 8:30 a.m. I got to sit in for my younger sister as grandma to her oldest grandson. She was out of town and I was ask to have the privelege to go to his third grade classroom and be his grandma. I had the best time. Lee is such a loving guy and took the best care of me. He was watching for me to come in the room, I waved to him once but he had not seen me since I had gotten my hair cut. I was clear back to his desk before he knew it was me. We ate a snack that the teacher had provided of donut holes, small blueberry muffins, small bagles, juice and coffee. She was young and her grandmother was there with her. You could tell that she was very close to her grandparents and they met alot to her. She was very pretty and had her classroom under very good control and her classroom was very bright and pretty. A very pleasant place for her students.

My boss was not pleased that he did not know I would be gone for one and a half hours. He was also missing one guy because he was sick and another came in really late and he did not know where he was. I had cleared it all with his mother and she was to be there to cover for me while I was gone but they decided to take off and left no one there to cover for me. I had an important date and had covered all the bases but the one of his missing mother.

Next was the guy who was sick. He did not bother to fill in his time card before leaving on Friday. This left me to guess how many hours he had worked on that day. I was to run payroll on Monday and how can you do this when he did not fill out his time card??? I called him twice and then the next problem came up. There was this blink in the electric. Don't know what happened but we lost the internet, which our fax machine comes in on and our telephones. So the guy could not tell me how many hours he worked. Nor we could call out or get calls in. Messy mess on a Monday and trying to run a business. I went ahead and did payroll with a guess and a prayer about his hours and decided to call it a day a little early because there was not any phones to answer or faxes to come in. Just as I was leaving the phone rang!! So we were up and running again.

I finally got home and walked into a mess. Flicka decided that today was her day to lay on the wicker couch and chew it apart. There are all of these little pieces of wood all over the floor, the blanket that we gave her to lay on and this dog that could not wait to get out the door because she knew she was in trouble. "Here, clean up this mess, I was bored, mad at you, and just plan bad today." It was a Monday!!!

There was some good news, Chloe, the premi-twin that was so bad and they thought she would not make it. News came today that she was doing better. I have been watching her mother's blog all week end for news and there was good new today.

Well, so much for this Monday.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pictures of one of my favorite girls!!! Labor Day week end

Angela and I have the same camera and she is teaching me new things to do with my camera. I am learning new settings and trying to do some new things with it. So here are some of the pictures I got to take of Angela over the week end. She did not really have the time to do it but she took the time so I could have practice and have some pictures of her.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day week end

This is the fire that Kylie built all on her own with grandpa and Ari watching her while she did it. Then of course there were marshmellows to enjoy and s-mores were also on the menu before heading back home and back to school.

One of the week end projects that was very important was to build Amos and Andy (kittens) a house to live in and be warm this coming winter. So the girls and grandpa took on this project. Do you love their boots?? They get alot of use in Pennsylvania.

This is why the girls had on Terry's old t-shirts, painting!!!

Ari and her painting. She loves yellow and Kylie loves pink, so each painted their sides the color they like best.

Peach cobbler was the cake of choice this year with vanilla ice cream. And 7 candles to blow out.

Then there was the party favors that was good for teasing the puppy with. They were also used by Ari to blow air into her ballon. Great fun!!!!

Kylie and Ari love ballons, so we had a cluster of ballons plus ones to blow up and have fun with.

Kylie turned 7 in July but we always have a Pennsylvania birthday party and they had not been here since the week of July 4th, but we will have a party even if it is late.

What a jam packed week end and we had lots of fun! The four day week end that I had went by like a flash of light.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I came home from work yesterday and found the door locked!! Flicka was on the inside and I could not get in and when I left in the morning I did not lock the door. So I tried two other doors and could not get in. I did not have any keys to get in and I had to go to the bathroom and the dog had not been out for nine hours. The cell phone does not work at home and so what do I do??? I ended up getting into the basement and going upstairs. Flicka is at the door to greet me and then I see all the messes that she made that day. She had broke one of my favorite vases, took things off the dininroom table, got into the cat food, splintered a stick that she had brought in and left the mess all over, was into a waste basket. She must have gotten enough rest from her trip to Ohio and playing with the other dogs and decided it was time for her to get into anything and everything. I just could not believe all the things she had been into and the mess that she created so I had something to do when I got home. I was so upset with her and that broke one of my favorite vases. I hate to clean up glass and this has splintered all over the place. She knew that she was in trouble and to say the least she was outside and played and played and played. She came in tired. I was not sure I wanted to come home after work today to find out what she might have gotten into today but there was not one thing out of place and the door was unlocked like I had left it this morning. I told her that she would be put in a cage if she was not good.